Shipping Information

We use either DHL or FedEx depending on your country
The shipping time will depend on the package’s destination, but is generally between 2-8 days for most countries
For more remote areas, our shopping cart page cannot provide a remote area service fee for a real-time quote. If there is a remote area fee, customers will be required to pay it after we provide the remote area fee bill from carriers
We use the cheapest standard shipping provider available for your country
The shipping time will depend on the package's destination, but is generally between 15-25 days for most countries
The maximum weight allowed for this option is 2kg, and the maximum total value 150USD
For most countries there is no insurance available

Customs and Taxes

If the destination country is in the European Union, we will charge the destination country’s VAT when you choose the Post Airmail shipping method. We do not charge any taxes from our side except if you requested DDP service
You should expect to pay any amount charged by the government in your respective country. This includes and is not limited to: duties, taxes and any extra fees charged by the courier company. We are not responsible for any extra charges once the original package has been shipped.
If the customer refuses to pay these extra charges, the package might be dropped by customs or returned to us, and we will not refund any amount of money.
Customs and laws are different in each country. Please verify the requirements while placing your order. Contact us if you need some support from our side, we will support you as much as we can.